Duarte Levy..

Freelance journalist

Oprah Show & McCanns promotion

Filed under: Madeleine McCann, , , , , ,

Maddie’s parents will not receive money for going to Oprah show

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

Kate and Gerry McCann will mark the second anniversary of their daughter’s disappearance with an interview with Oprah Winfrey, on the most famous American talk show. 24horas had already advanced this news, but official confirmation of the show’s date was lacking.
Maddie’s parents are travelling to Chicago next week, where they will complete filming, which had been started in England, of a one-hour special that is dedicated to the case, which will be broadcast on the 3rd of May, and during which they intend to present a new digital image representing the child with the look that she would have today if she were alive.
Contrary to what he had announced in Praia da Luz early this month, the couple’s spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, confirmed Maddie’s parents’ participation in ‘Oprah’, stressing the fact that the couple is counting on the interview’s broadcast in 144 countries to re-launch the searches for the little girl.
When questioned about payment or a possible financial participation by Oprah to the McCanns, Clarence Mitchell denied by saying that “Kate and Gerry won’t receive the smallest dollar”.

Reply to Gonçalo Amaral

Meanwhile, the documentary that an English television channel came to record in Praia da Luz, early this month, and in which Gerry McCann and two of the friends that spent their holidays with Maddie’s parents participated, is going to be altered.
The producers thus want to include a series of ‘replies’ to the one that TVI broadcast on Monday, which is based on the version of Gonçalo Amaral. This information was confirmed to 24horas yesterday by a member of Mentorn Media, the company that is producing the documentary that Channel Four broadcasts in England on the 7th of May.
According to the same source, the changes were made at Gerry’s request and take into account the version that was given in Valentim de Carvalho’s documentary, where the former inquiry coordinator reaffirms his conviction that the child died in the couple’s apartment at the Ocean Club resort.
The English version of what happened points at an abduction that was carried out by a local resident or by someone with Mediterranean features.

Documentary on the Internet

The documentary from Valentim de Carvalho that TVI broadcast last Monday is being a victim of its own success. The Portuguese company has already been forced to impose its rights with various internet sites, namely the video platform YouTube, where only hours after the end of the programme, the documentary could be seen in its entirety. Despite the action, numerous sites now allow for the programme to be downloaded.

Duarte Levy on 24horas
Translated by Astro from Joana Morais blog.

Filed under: Madeleine McCann, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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